
Ok I have another question to ask everybody - one of my main characters has obsessive compulsive disorder - should I state this or let the reader figure it out?


Brewski said...

I'd say let the reader figure it out. Put in the little details about her condition. For instance:

On the way down the stairs she moved the picture frame back into place. Everyone's eyes would have passed by on their descent, but her's always found the smallest details in her travels.

Just my two cents, you don't have to take it.

Jackson Howa said...

My vote is let the reader figure it out.

Rachel Yoder said...

I vote to let the reader figure it out, too, but if you're in omniscient point of view then you know all that the character knows and, thus, so woudl we...right? If it's from the husband's point of view, then we wouldn't necessarily know. For the record, I'm still in favor of this story having a limited third person POV, but that's just me...