

Alright, so I know I was supposed to be blogging, but I completely forgot... I remembered as I was writing my 5 pager for tomorrow. I have never blogged before and so this is my first entry...EVER! Dun dun dunnn. Even though I just cued the dramatic music, it doesn't seem nearly as difficult as I thought. I think I am going to title my story, "The Essential" I hope your guy's Father's Day was great! I'll make sure to remember to blog from now on. OH! I almost forgot, I valuanteered (totally not spelled right) at the Poetry symposium for the weekend and it was really cool. I'll tell more about it the next blog! 'Till tomorrow my classmate-izzles.

1 comment:

Rachel Yoder said...

Welcome to the world of blog, Max. Looking forward to reading more of your entries, and can't wait to hear about the symposium this weekend.