
The First Page

I am a morning person. I usually do my best writing while others are still in bed. For the time being, I'm still writing about Mrs. Bennet. I started writing in the first person and imagined how she met Mr. Bennet. My question is why would someone like her ever marry him and how do I write something fresh about a woman completely unsatisfied. I don't want her to just be another crazed housewife.
Here is a part that may have some potential:
I met my husband because he smoked. I worked at the corner drugstore and he would come over on his breaks to buy a pack of Marlboros. At first, I refused to talk to him, staying in my catatonic register state. When he said I was beautiful, something in me paused for a moment. It had been so long since I heard those words. Later in our marriage I hoped he would get lung cancer but it hasn’t happened so far.

I hate that him saying she was beautiful to her but I like the abrupt transition from beautiful to wanting him to die of lung cancer. I want it to be dark domestic humor/tragedy, like American Beauty.

1 comment:

Rachel Yoder said...

Great instinct, Pam, to try writing about how the couple met, and also to play around with point of view. The excerpt that you posted is promising. Keep thinking about the moment of attraction, what he said or did that once attracted her to him and which, later, could be the thing that actually pushes her away (like how you transformed the smoking detail: she meets him selling cigarettes to him, and then, later, hopes that he dies of lung cancer).