
Just maybe...

I've got a new story 3 by this count. it is longer than the other two that were destroyed, this seems to have more potential. I just finished the exercise, and it might just make it or else I'll lie to myself and say that it will work. Thanks for the help Rachel. A little taste :

From the moment of my new passion, Ivich was my gateway into the consciousness of Silvia. But Ivich was more to me than this and I think that was why she went along with it. I was intent, all the information I could gather was the optimum goal. By this time even though I was not really using my folk psychological skills, I knew that I could use this information to determine how to execute the ultimate goal of obtaining Silvia. The problem was that I did not know how I would use this information and even to go about accomplishing the goal once the information was obtained. It turned out to be the case that there was no possibility of Silvia and I in a relationship but I figured it would result in something. It was the summer, we were teenagers and with hormones raging and nothing but free time, sex at least seemed plausible even if a relationship was not to be.

1 comment:

Rachel Yoder said...

Awesome, Chad! You're writing. Your assignment now: write a discrete scene with these charaters, in which we can see the conflict enacted. Use setting, dialogue, characterization, etc. Go, go, go!