
Not enough time!

Ok, so I switched again from third person to first. Geez. I really am making my life more difficult. I sat down yesterday and crafted out an outline as to what happens leading up to the climax. I then realized I have absolutely no idea how this story is going to end. I'm hoping that it will work itself out in the action of the climax itself, or that while writing something will hit me.

This morning I wrote three pages, and changed a scene in the first page a bit. So yay, up to page five now. I need to be at least to page eight by the time I go to bed tonight, and then have to finish the story Saturday before work at 3:30. I need Sunday to study for my Psychology class. I did three pages this morning, I can do it again tonight, right?

1 comment:

Wahida said...

i know, i'm freaking out a little!