
Side effects may cause depression and or anxiety.

In finishing writing my story, I think I've become a bit depressed about it. The writing itself is going swimmingly, believe me, its just flowing out!

Just the topic at hand really has hit me hard, writing from the standpoint of this guy who's wife dies, and comes up with other ways she could have died. I don't think I've felt emotions when writing before, at least none like this... so yeah. I had to call my girlfriend just to make sure she was alive and well and to hear her voice since my main character can't her the voice of his dead wife.

So suggestion, don't over kill your characters, you'll get sad.

And I'm sorry to everyone if my story makes you as depressed as I while you read it. My sincere apologies.

edit: Story done.


Wahida said...

that sounds awful! feeling that way, not your story. i'll have to make sure there's plenty of tissue in the house this week.

heather said...

uh.. it's "side effects" not 'side affects"! You might want to revise that!

tucsondroom'n said...

sounds like the stuff good lit. is made of. mine's pretty scary, or at least i hope it is. sounds like a good read..PEace

Whitney S. said...

Yeah, mine made me depressed too. Mainly because it brought up old memories. Funny how stories do that. Remember, the best stories are the ones that leave an impression on people. Be that one of horror, love, depression etc.