Thank you and a question for Rachel
Rachel-for the analysis of our short story collection is it okay to include a kind of personal response as well? Sheehan's stories have the same themes I'm interested in writing about.
Thanks Everyone!

I do apologize for it being so confusing to most, and it was my number one worry and will definitely be worked on. I wrote this as if I was a video editor (well, I do that anyways) and some of the tricks and such that film makers use don't necessarily translate well to creative writing. Ah, only if I could use Photoshop, Motion, and Final Cut to make a peice of creative writing (seriously, that's how my mind worked when I wrote this thing, like using a movie timeline and running at 24fps.) This is what happens when you have English 210 and Media Arts 497g back to back each day.
So I propose this. Each of the "memories" he has (which are in 1st person, present tense... and will stay that way) are false ways that Joy dies, none of which are true. He only conjures up these visions in order to explore if her death in a different way would ease his heart (which it does not). In order to step into these "fake memories" (sorry, that's the best term I can come up with) I think I'll take Daniel's advice and have some more objects in real life make him think more about the scenes his sad little mind produces. Then, start to transition, like a "Dip-to-Black" transition (when the screen fades out then back in) and come back in black and white. I thought that the POV change was enough, but I can work on putting in more of "His mind started thinking wildly when he saw the children, making ideas and acusations, false logistics as to how his wife Joy could have turned to death. He thought these in hopes it would ease his heavy heart." Literally, I'll make him view the "fake memories" in black-and-white, the only thing he sees in color will be the actual death by car.
Will this work to make the difference of reality, and imaginary less confusing to the reader without having to state the fakeness outright?
(Again, can you tell I think behind a camera? Dang... been doing this stuff for far too long already.)
As for my character development, I would rather keep him from developing too much. He is to be "motionless" in this sense, showing how some people just can't fully get over it. As for the ending, I'll be changing that, having the knife that does not kill her be more pronounced and obvious so that we realize that he does not kill her, only held it as he ran outside.
I'm still struggling with him moving forward in his life. I don't really want him to move too far, and have him realize that thinking of other ways she could have died, will never bring her back, and never make the sadness go away. Only accepting it will allow him to move on. I dunno, it seemed really cool when I wrote it. Now, seems like a dark Film Noir script that doesn't go places.
[Thanks to Marissa for the cool drawing!]
cluttered with boxes, and the Russian set his dinner, which he always
seems to have at midnight, to boil on the range top. He left the room- I
hope he remembers that he's cooking. See ya'll tomorrow.
Midnight Cowboy
~chad nobert
Latest Stories
Refugee All Stars
Workshop Comments
If paper didn't cost trees....
We definitely have good writers in our class, and of such I am intimidated.
Makes me want to go back and re-do parts of my own story and turn it in before y'all read it. At 238 sheets of paper (or almost a half reem) that seems quite incorrigibly inconceivable.
See you all tomorrow, er, in 11 hours.
Finished reading
that I remember everything I want to say. I took notes. We'll see what
happens. I hope my comments are helpful.
Comments are done
Day 12
As for blogging, feel free to keep on posting here if you'd like. I hate to be the one to point it out now, but there is still revision to be done on these stories (we'll talk more specifically about this on Tuesday or Wednesday). For now, let's focus on workshop, and you can focus on your portfolios this weekend.
Are we supposed to keep blogging?
Enjoyed the stories
Just before I passed my copies out, I realized I should have changed bought to brought. I know it is not a big deal. Just a typo. But that kind of stuff annoys me.
Oh well, I'm starting a new book tonight, Murakami's "Kafka on the Shore." I'm in the mood after the experimental fiction discussion.
I'm not entirely happy with the way this turned out. It feels rushed at the end, at least to me. I'm really curious to see what you guys think of it. See you all in class!
Don't "over-read-into" my story, take it at face value
Brian Kimball
finishing touches
Finishing up...
As for the book of short stories each of us is supposed to read, i am reading one by A.M. Homes (i think thats their name) and I dont recommend it to anyone. I was going to get a different book instead but I think it's too late for that soo I'm just going to stick with it and then for the book report I'll just write about how bad it was! hahaha!
Oh Yeah! And I liked the note-cards activity!! I think it really helped me sort of in a way! And workshopping was fun too! ^_^
So um you want us to put our other blogs or websites on here? um which ones? lol...take your pick: myspace, facebook, livejournal, fanfiction.net, um lets see....my fav is gaiaonline.com!! Gaia rocks!!! Ive spent a lot of time building up my profile on there and I feel like I kind of already have my own bog because I write in my 'journal' on gaiaonline at least once a day but sometimes even three times a day! I love gaiaonline! so yeah i will post the link to that sometime....and well, as for fanfiction.net i only have one story on there. its sort of an ongoing soap based on my favorite TV show "One Life To Live" but its only 2 chapters long and its not very good cuz i got a lot of bad comments about it from other people on the fanfiction site. Oh-well.
Side effects may cause depression and or anxiety.
Just the topic at hand really has hit me hard, writing from the standpoint of this guy who's wife dies, and comes up with other ways she could have died. I don't think I've felt emotions when writing before, at least none like this... so yeah. I had to call my girlfriend just to make sure she was alive and well and to hear her voice since my main character can't her the voice of his dead wife.
So suggestion, don't over kill your characters, you'll get sad.
And I'm sorry to everyone if my story makes you as depressed as I while you read it. My sincere apologies.
edit: Story done.
Day 11
Finished! Kinda...
No Time!!
Today will be difficult, since I need to finish the story. I also have to go last minute dress shoping for my cousin's wedding. I HATE shopping. Blech.
Anyway, good luck everyone!
A little late
Brian Kimball
Day 10
I just started a new story last night. Geesh. Writing is DIFFICULT! After an hour, I had about 2 pages, and wasn't even that excited about them. I'm going to keep moving forward, though, skipping to scenes that I have in my head that seem exciting to me, and then seeing what happens from there. I find it hard to write chronologically. I just have to write whatever scene is the most interesting to me, and then, once I start to get a feel for the story, I start arranging things in time.
Do whatever works to keep you writing! Can't wait to see your stories on Monday.
Here is my question
O's Massacre
Brian Kimball
Not enough time!
This morning I wrote three pages, and changed a scene in the first page a bit. So yay, up to page five now. I need to be at least to page eight by the time I go to bed tonight, and then have to finish the story Saturday before work at 3:30. I need Sunday to study for my Psychology class. I did three pages this morning, I can do it again tonight, right?
I finally like my story
I also rewrote the beginning and I still have to change a lot of things but I like it better.
But seriously, why the hell did Miguel Tejada have to get injured the other day. I'm going to the Baltimore vs. Diamondbacks game tomorrow and the best player on my friend's favorite team gets beaned by some amateur on the Padres and breaks his freaking wrist. He started in 1,152 straight games and he gets hurt the day before I see him play. F that.
As for the story, if my headache allows for some extra revisions in the morning, well that should make for a more interesting story I guess. See you tomorrow.
Brian Kimball
P.S. I didn't see any of you at the show, so you are all lame for that. Go O's.
Oh Dear...
As for writing... I just don't think I'm up to it tonight. I think I'll just have to double my commitment for tomorrow.
On a final note: Brewster, Wahida, and I are off to have a jolly good time doing something or other tomorrow afternoon (probably) details forthcoming (read: we don't have a plan). Suggestions welcome.
Please do join us.
Possible Lunch?
If not, hey, that's cool too!
And just for the record...
An omniscient 3rd person is like God. He knows everything. He knows what Jane is thinking and that Jack needs to poop. A limited 3rd person is restricted to knowing about one character. He knows what Jane is thinking, but not that Jack needs to poop.
Thanks, Bryce, for your "pooping up the mower" line, which started all this.
on a personal note, my sister and i agreed it's just crazy for me to try to take the greyhound up there this weekend, which means i'll be stuck in tucson, sisterless, working on my story like i should. so if anyone is up for a little fiction chat/drink/coffee/whatever tomorrow evening or saturday evening, to get out of our heads for a minute, (just a minute), i'm up for it. jackson, i think you said you were interested? who else? my email is wahidaob@yahoo.com.
Day 8
Remember: pivotal moments IN SCENE, so that you can slow them down and explore them more. Less important background information can go in SUMMARY. It's always better to have more SCENE than summary; more summary than scene is, well, bad.
Keep writing! Honestly, the best thing to do when you sit down to write is to try and forget all the stuff we've been talking about in class. (HA! Right?)
See you tomorrow.
Attempt 2
Anyhow, I've changed my story to a man who's wife dies in a hit-and-run and comes up with other ways she could have died better. He comes to no real conclusion other than the death she did have was actually best. I've yet to fully figure out his actions as the time goes on... but I'm sure it'll work itself out. Afterwards he finds that really the images he painted in his mind were really ways he wanted to die, and then proceeds to continue to live and find other things to fill the void.
Something like that, yeah. I dunno, my orginial story just well.... sucked a lot.
Must it be so difficult?
Anyway, I wrote two pages of my story, two days ago. Since I'm starting over it was the first two. Though the more I wrote it, the more I hated it. Decided to switch from first to third person yesterday, and now it's actually working again.
I swear I'm making life harder for me than it already is. I'll try to have at least three pages for class today, but that depends on how fast I can finish off a paper for my psychology class.
The Revamp
Mrs. Bennet has to leave but I still don't know what is in the suitcase.
"Hey listen to this," I say. I quikly read a few passages.
"I don't like it," my roomate said.
I reach the end of the story with some understanding of what has just transpired. I reread. Ah. he's a drunk and the house is empty. I still don't like it.
"The Swimmer" by John Cheever really soured my mood, and has made my momentum slump for the evening, or maybe it's just late. I like the premise, but the story has fallen flat on its face for me. I pushed through the nexts two stories, such a delight. Well, I'm going to finish my writing at 5 this morning. I hope I'm more coherent when I awake than I seem to be now.
Brian Kimball
Amy Hempel's "The Dog of the Marriage"
Day 7
Be sure to bring a draft of whatever you have so far to class on Thursday. See you soon!
Just maybe...
From the moment of my new passion, Ivich was my gateway into the consciousness of Silvia. But Ivich was more to me than this and I think that was why she went along with it. I was intent, all the information I could gather was the optimum goal. By this time even though I was not really using my folk psychological skills, I knew that I could use this information to determine how to execute the ultimate goal of obtaining Silvia. The problem was that I did not know how I would use this information and even to go about accomplishing the goal once the information was obtained. It turned out to be the case that there was no possibility of Silvia and I in a relationship but I figured it would result in something. It was the summer, we were teenagers and with hormones raging and nothing but free time, sex at least seemed plausible even if a relationship was not to be.
Getting somewhere.
Now I just need to work on my dialogue. And I need to figure out WHO Jonathan is. So far, he's just a stand in for a real character.She wanted to apologize for taking a swing at him, or for putting his sport coat in mortal peril. But she suddenly found her mouth dry, and air was filling her lungs only reluctantly. Instead she said, “Hello, Jonathan.” The second word was a whisper.
hard work
A Slight Stall
almost forgot to blog tonight
Here's another one
As for my story, I don't really think that this story can "write itself" because I already have such a clear picture of what will happen. I saw the handout said to let our preconceived notions go, but I think that this story has enough conflict and all that already, I just have to spit the thing out onto paper. Maybe we could talk after class and discuss it so that I'm more comfortable with what direction I'm taking the story as I'm heading in to the weekend.
And I'm gonna be honest with you, I'm probably not going to write tomorrow or the next day and I'll be lucky to blog since my buddy is coming in town, but I'll see what I can do. Once again, here's to underachievers.
Brian Kimball
Completing my story....
From the Beginning
I really liked the character exercize we did near the end of class, and I've been playing around with it for the two main characters of my story. Since I'm not sure who's point of view it will turn out in the end, I consider it time well spent. Yay!
Now off to work on my essay.
Day 6
And in the meanwhile, if you're interested in revising and entering your flash fiction in a contest, here's an opportunity:
(I'd be happy to discuss any short shorts that you want to revise further with you one-on-one; just let me know.)
Newport Review Flash Fiction Contest 2007
Newport Review will sponsor its Third Annual Flash Fiction Contest. We offer awards of $100, $75, $50 and publication in our prestigious small journal, 25 years in print, now online.
Deadline: Postmarked by October 1, 2007
Guidelines: Short-short stories up to 750 words
Entry fee: $7 per story, 3 for $20
Mail manuscripts w/check or money order made out to Newport Review to:
Newport Review Flash Fiction Contest
P.O. Box 126
Tiverton, RI 02878
Include business-size SASE for notification of contest results. Manuscripts will not be returned unless requested; include SASE with sufficient return postage. Please include name, mailing address, phone and e-mail on all manuscripts. Unfortunately, we are not set up to accept PayPal or e-mail contest submissions at this time.
Conflict Finally!
Another entry
Brian Kimball
Day 5
There and Back Again.
Anyhow, I did keep writing during that time, and my story has its beginning and premise. I'll keep this brief since we have class in... a half hour. So see you all there. Man am I rushing... I did just get into Tucson from Phoenix a few minutes ago, so if I come in all raggady haired (well... that's normal) and smell really bad, I apologize. I swear, I'll keep room between me and you all as to not stink up the place.
Writing 5 pages
Joys of Handwriting
Another late night entry
I'm scared to admit it, but I think I'm starting to get the hang of this "realism" and "literary fiction" writing thing. Turns out if you alter a little bit from your own personal crazy experiences it can make for a hell of story. Until next time.
Brian Kimball
Lack of computer!
Anyway since we haven't had class but I've worked the every day since I haven't had much time to get online or start my 5 pages! I'm about to start them now. I think I'm going to continue with the story I have but create a new beginning, make the current story the middle, and then create a new ending. Seems like a weird progression but I think I can make it work and it'll be better than what it is now.
Posting Time
Yesterday all I was able to get was the opening of the story, which I really like and a bit more of an outline.
Today I wrote three of the five pages I need. I'll probably finish the last two before bed. I'm not sure I like the order in which I'm doing things, as it feels a little bit strung out. It could just be my pacing. Or the lack of sleep. Oh well.
Day 4
If you're at a point where you like your 5 pages, great. If you think that you might throw them out and start over, great, too! Just getting something down, "showing up" every day so that the magic can happen is what this is all about.
See you all tomorrow!
Starting Over
Day Three Post
Brian Kimball
Day 3
I've been working on revising a traditional essay as well as a "lyric essay," which teeters on the line between nonfiction and poetry. Fun stuff.
Keep on truckin'. See you soon.
Morning writing
saw my whole day planed before me. I'll definitely be making this a
The Creation of a Scene
Good night everyone.
i wrote tongiht
Second Day Post
Brian Kimball
Literal Figurativity.
(On going photo project to show you what I am working on. Click Here)
"Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it."
-Mark Twain
so i've got a few things bubbling and at least another 25 minutes to work on it tonight. i'm thinking about tea and telephone calls right now... but first we're taking my brother to the movies. hope everyone's having a good weekend. and marisa, i'm sure lots of us like coffee-related places, too : )
Day Two
Also, if any of you are interested in reading a story I published, "At the Center" is online at The Cimarron Review's website. Also, some poetry of mine is up on juked.
If any of you have stories, poetry, art, music, other blogs, whatever, post the links! It would be great to see other creative projects that you're working on.
Writing Goals
I need some comments on this.
So, for the record, my description of her feelings doesn't sound anything like hate, does it? It's not supposed to.She had met him only the day before... but she already knew that she loathed everything about him. She could tell because whenever she thought about him her face flushed, snow geese migrated in her belly, and her heart felt like it was strapped to rodeo bronco.
Input greatly appreciated.
On writing
Where to start?
I started from there today. I had a great time writing this scene, like pouring cake batter into a pan.
Pens are Better!
Yesterday I spent about 15 minutes staring at my computer, gave up and grabbed a pen and paper. That seemed to help, because by the end of the time I had actually managed to come up with an idea for the paper.
Today I've constructed an extremely rough outline, and debated about if I'm going to try writing in first or third person. Now currently at 45 minutes, and the computer seems to be my enemy.
the next day
Checklist for today
Spending half an hour thinking of ways to exact your revenge.....check
Deciding to instead make some coffee and eat cereal in front of the TV......check
Writing for 20 minutes after that about the idiocy of men......check
I read that post by Jax about chilling outside of class, and however much I would love that, I'm not 21 yet so I can't legally do anything on 4th avenue of the sort. Oh, the times I wish I had a fake ID!
Day 2
Writing aim...shoots
Day One
My goal is to write for an hour a day. Sadly, I have not yet accomplished this today but hey, I've still got an hour and fifteen minutes to get my writing done. Better get crackin'.
Writing Goals
Writing Goal
It helped too. Freewriting about my issues centered me some, made me realize how insignificant those problems really were. I'd recommend it, if anyone is feeling a little off-balance.
The good news is, my freewriting from today seems like some good fertilizer (emotional excrement, get it?) to plant a story in.
Sidenote: Anyone up for an afternoon beer/hangout session on University or 4th this weekend sometime? Seems like it'd be fun to get to know each other outside of class. Let me know.
Writing Goal
I'm posting
First Post
The First Page
Here is a part that may have some potential:
I met my husband because he smoked. I worked at the corner drugstore and he would come over on his breaks to buy a pack of Marlboros. At first, I refused to talk to him, staying in my catatonic register state. When he said I was beautiful, something in me paused for a moment. It had been so long since I heard those words. Later in our marriage I hoped he would get lung cancer but it hasn’t happened so far.
I hate that him saying she was beautiful to her but I like the abrupt transition from beautiful to wanting him to die of lung cancer. I want it to be dark domestic humor/tragedy, like American Beauty.
THe future
Okay, so I'm about an hour early...
Ninjas flip out ALL the time.
So here I am. I'm exhausted and ninja-strained, so I think 20 minutes a day will have to be enough for my writing goal.
Cheers, Jax.
Target Audience
This should at least be fun, seeing other people's one liners. Also, its interesting taking a class like this to see what interests people, what aspects of humanity they want to explore. Just a slightly interesting aspect which I'm sure we all know already.
Writing Goal
sure this will be exciting. I'm also trying this from my email, which
means I can take it mobile =-). I'm excited about that because I'm
always on the run or driving. But I'll refrain from typing while I'm
driving. That's a new kind of madness better saved for the next
So enough. I want to write for 45 min a night, but I will hope for more
and probably hit 20.
Ready, Set...
Thanks for your intelligent and thoughtful comments today in workshop. I know that you have a big chunk of work over these two nights to get everything read and commented on, and I appreciate all the time that I know you are putting in to this class. Your hard work really does show.
Thursday nears. Ready your keyboards. The commencement of the blogging is oh so near.
See you tomorrow.
Your first assignment, for Thursday, is to post your daily writing goal. This should be a minimum of 20 minutes a day, but also not so ambitious (like 3 hours) that you always fall short of your goal.
Set a realistic goal, post it here on Thursday, and then, starting Friday, post daily after you've written. Your daily post can be as simple as "Writing for today - check!" or just your favorite line from your writing that day, or it can be longer, discussing your ongoing struggles with a scene, breakthroughs, questions about a story ending, etc.
Please feel free to post comments to your classmates blog entries, and to use this a forum for discussing writing and your writing process.